Individual Members


Who is eligible?

Professionals with an interest in psychometrics, testing, and the mission of the ITC. 

Individual Membership is also a suitable membership category for employees of organizations that are Full or Affiliate Members of the ITC.

Cost of membership

  •  £35

            Membership is annual, coinciding with the initial subscription date.

Benefits of Individual Membership

  • Free online access to International Journal of Testing (IJT)
  • Early online access to ITC newsletter (Testing International) distributed semi-annually by email with latest news of the ITC
  • Discounted rate when registering for the biennial ITC conference
  • Free access to 7 online courses through the ITC Learning Centre that can lead to Level 2 Certificate of Competence as per ITC and the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA)*
  • 10% Discount towards costs of External Assessment when applying for Level 2 Certification through the ITC Learning Centre
  • Professional recognition as an ITC member
    • Include membership on resume and social media
  • Opportunity to:
    • nominate (self or others) for election to the ITC Council
    • chair one of the committees of the ITC
    • participate on ITC committees
    • provide intellectual input towards the development of international guidelines in testing
    • collaborate as authors on studies, book chapters, and projects through the ITC network
    • organize ITC-supported events in your region/country (e.g., workshop, webinars)
    • nominate individuals (self or others) for consideration for the Thomas Oakland Award for Distinguished Contributions to Testing and Assessment
    • nominate individuals (self or others) for consideration for the Early Career Scholarship Programme
    • network with researchers and practitioners in the field of testing through virtual and in-person events